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Troy First Youth meets every Sunday night @ 5:45pm.

We have powerful worship, awesome messages, & great discussions It's a great place to hang with friends, learn more about yourself and your faith. We have a van that can pick you up and drop you off - just hit us up on our Facebook page by Sunday noon.  Our Wednesdays are awesome times with

Girls Ministries and Rangers from 7 to 8:30pm

The vans run Wednesdays as well.

Just let us know by Wednesday noon.



This January



Children’s Church is tailored for

children in Pre-School through Grade 6.  Each week they will participate in an age appropriate lesson, have a snack & do an activity that relates to that week's lesson.

Our children meet:

9:00 & 11:00 am Sundays

7:00 pm Wednesdays

(Girl's Ministries and Royal Rangers)




Our brand new nursery facilities are staffed every Sunday morning with loving volunteers to care for your infant and toddlers.  Nursery is equipped with all  new furnishings, a one way glass so that you can check on your children, but they can’t see you, and an adjoining restroom, changing area, baby equipment and lots of toys.

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