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Our church's story is more than buildings and programs--it's about people as their lives intersect with one another and with the power and reality of God.  Troy First Assembly of God exists to fulfill the mandate that Jesus gave over 2000 years ago – Connect people to the God who created them and loves them.  We're passionate about that mission, in all of its forms, reaching beyond our doors to our community, our region and our world.

As a Bible based community that embraces the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to reach people with the love of God, we’re all about helping people know Him, connect with others, discover their purpose, and make a difference in their world.  We do it in a lot of ways: community outreach, music and creative arts, prayer, equipping people for ministry, children and youth programs, fellowship opportunities, home and foreign missions, and

Biblical instruction, just to name a few.

And the story of Troy First AG is continuing to be written through children, youth, and adults -

serving and loving one other and trying hard to follow after Jesus.

Pastor Joseph Britain and his wife, Rebecca have served Troy First Assembly of God since June 2016. A native of Alabama, Joseph's down-to-earth creative communication style brings a fresh perspective to sound Biblical doctrine.  An avid story teller and teacher at heart, he is a classic extrovert who draws energy and strength from being around people.

He loves to laugh, and seldom goes longer than 5 minutes at a time without doing so. He also enjoys audio books, travel (yes, he leaned way out over that castle wall and actually kissed the Blarney Stone!), a great cup of coffee and just about all genres of music.

Joseph Britain


Troy First Assembly of God exists:


To help people know God, not just know about Him.

To help people deal with their junk.

To help people discover and deploy their gifts.

To help people make a real difference.

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Click the image below to view our 2023 Annual Report

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