Her heart . . . Her world . . . His purpose
Girls Ministries is all about intentional outreach and Christian discipleship for girls. Our goal is to teach girls biblical truths that will help them learn to make God-pleasing decisions.
Our desire is to see every girl moving toward a deep relationship with Jesus Christ. We seek to empower girls to realize their importance and potential in the kingdom of God. And we seek a future where girls and leaders — through mentoring and discipleship — form lasting, life-changing friendships.
The Values that we prioritize as we minister to the girls are:
A recognition and reliance upon the Holy Spirit's guidance
A servant's approach to ministry
Maintaining cultural relevance
Modeling teamwork and cooperation
Exemplifying Christ-like character
Rainbows Club (Preschool) use Noah’s Ark to provide an exciting theme for the Bible stories, crafts, full-color activity pages, and games for this preschool club. Rainbows add colorful animal badges to their vests as they complete requirements for the achievement program.
Daisies Club (Kindergarten) Daisies learn life applications from Bible stories and principles while having fun. Girls earn colorful badges as they complete requirements for the achievement program. Four-week units allow visitors to fit in right away.
Prims Club (Grades 1-2) Prims discover biblical principles through life-application stories and fun object lessons. Units are completed in only a few weeks which means girls can join at any time. They earn colorful badges as they complete requirements for the achievement program.
Stars Club (Grades 3-5) Girls make their way up the Stairway of the Stars achievement program as they complete units in the four worlds: The World of Truth (basic Christian doctrine), The World Around You (missions), The World About You (activities), and The World Within You (character development). Memorization, projects, and Bible reading are all a part of completing the achievement program as an Honor Star.
Friends Club (Grades 6-8) Friends Club provides discussion-oriented lessons to continue the Titus 2 principle of women mentoring young girls. Topics of study include the sanctity of life, accountability, commitment to Christ, life-controlling problems, purity, and choices. Units are made up of six lessons. Projects and Adventures add to each unit. The completion of unit requirements and Bible reading make a girl eligible to be a Friends Graduate.
Girls Only Club (Grades 9-12) Girls Only Club gives girls a place to grow in God. Discussion-oriented units include women in ministry, college and career, truth, dating, pro-life vs. pro-choice, and attitude. Six-lesson units are complemented with Projects and Adventures. Completion of unit requirements and Bible reading make a girl eligible to be a Girls Only Graduate.
Wednesdays 7:00-8:30pm