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February 25 – Meeting Needs

There are a lot of things that Christians do to help people who are poor that go unnoticed. Denominations, churches, and individuals work to alleviate poverty and help people pull themselves out of poverty. We don’t get headlines for this work and that’s not only ok, that’s the way it should be. “But when you give to the poor, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing so that you may give to the poor in secret. Your Father who sees what you do in secret will reward you.” (Matthew 6:3-4) At the same time we are working to help others, we are often criticized by the non-Christian public about our lack of service. That’s ok too. Our goal is not to win the PR battle. Our goal is to be faithful to God. We aren’t rewarded in our service by headlines from the press; our reward includes seeing the changed lives of people we have helped. We help people in need because it’s the right thing to do – not because we want the attention of the world. There is no greater reward that we could get than these words from Jesus: “Well done, faithful servant.”

Lord God, there are people in need that I see every day. Help me to be sensitive to Your leadership and help them meet their needs and get out of that place of dependency on others..

Daily Devotion by Bob James


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