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December 3 – Continue Doing Good to All People

As part of the program Rowe has on Facebook, he looks for community heroes like Denise Simmons and finds a way to honor their commitment. He found out that she’d be interested in driving an ice cream truck and the next day at a party with some of the brides she had helped, he had picture of an ice cream truck, because you can’t just overnight those, and a check that she could use to buy her own truck. Sometimes there is a material pay off for doing the right thing. Even when there isn’t a Mike Rowe around to give a check, though, there’s always the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve done what you’re supposed to be doing. Paul reminded the Galatians of that. “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” (Galatians 6:9-10 NIV)

In the midst of reminding the Galatians that they needed to live by the Spirit, and not by the law, he reminded them that living by the Spirit should affect their everyday lives. When we live by the Spirit, we should be doing and promoting good things. There’s a problem with that, though. It’s easy to get tired when we keep doing good things. We get burnt out. Often, doing the right thing is a thankless task that no one notices, or, if you are noticed, people attack you because they don’t trust your motives. In the face of that type of opposition, it would be easy to throw our hands up and stop doing the good things we do. Paul reminded them that there would be a harvest for doing right. No, most of us won’t get big checks, or a material payback, but God always reminds us of His presence in those situations and that alone is well worth doing the right thing. That’s why Paul reminds us to do good to all, but especially the family of believers.


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